09 July 2009

Magazines - $5 a year for Wired! Nice.

My Wired subscription is up and they offered me a "professional discount" to $12 a year. I decided to check Amazon. Lo and behold, they have it for $10. And a promotion for $5 off until July 31, so I got two years for $15.


I also picked up Popular Mechanics - for $13 for 2 years, why not?

There's a list of the summer promo mags but I stopped at around 100.

Yes, the above link does register as a referral from me. If you want to buy a Kindle at the new $299 price - http://bit.ly/kindle_rr - Kitty's Aunt has a 1st gen one and loves it because she can do any book in large print.

Item(s) Subtotal: $38.00
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Magazine Promotion: -$10.00
Total Before Tax: $28.00
Estimated Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $28.00