28 April 2010

MJ is scary!


Rep. Hank Johnson: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it would tip over and capsize."
Adm. Robert Willard: "Um, we don't anticipate that..."

23 April 2010



I LOVE the circular saw... and truthfully, the flamethrower is BRILLIANT.

21 April 2010

I've got room in my back yard!


I was just reading about this the other day in PM actually. That was the maiden voyage, one of them is the PM Editor. And then the fire department showed up.

Apparently, it is a ramjet that is shaped like a tuning fork. Once it is primed with a leafblower (as shown) the explosions are pretty much self-sustained as you add fuel. That's the pulsing sound that you hear.

Really cool Amazon link!


It takes into account exchange rates and then tells you which Amazon to buy it from.

(Side peeve: I am reading book 2 of the series linked above. Book 3 is "forthcoming" according to Wikipedia - but it's already in paperback in the UK!)

It's a chick flick!


Perfect summary.

Selling out can be so much FUN!


Omnipresent Man is awesome!

I love this guy...

a little "back-story":

Rep. Hank Johnson: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it would tip over and capsize."
Adm. Robert Willard: "Um, we don't anticipate that..."

Snuffy, I had no idea!

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Snuffleupagus:

In an interview on a Canadian telethon that was hosted by Bob McGrath, Snuffy's performer, Martin P. Robinson, revealed that Snuffy was finally introduced to the main human cast mainly due to a string of high profile and sometimes graphic stories of pedophilia and sexual abuse of children that had been aired on shows such as 60 Minutes and 20/20. The writers felt that by having the adults refuse to believe Big Bird despite the fact that he was telling the truth, they were scaring children into thinking that their parents would not believe them if they had been sexually abused and that they would just be better off remaining silent.

20 April 2010

Battle of the Bands

This is a pretty slick video... I think I counted 5-7 ones that I own[ed].


Rep. Hank Johnson: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it would tip over and capsize."
Adm. Robert Willard: "Um, we don't anticipate that..."

Deus Ex

I never played the second, but I liked the first. For $2.50 I think I may...


19 April 2010

Wow, that IS angry


iPhone 4G

Found on the floor of a bar... oops!


Tax Freedom Day (for MD)

Every penny I've earned up to now has not been mine...


This doesn't even include any deficit spending... add about another month for that.

You can check the chart for your state... it's already past, unless you are CT (1), NJ (2), NY (3).

Actually, that's a good chunk of my friends still!

11 April 2010

Fwd: [FragNet] Pixels

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Grant
Date: Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:30
Subject: [FragNet] Pixels


This is very cool - for old gamers who remember the awesome 80's. :)




Old Movie funnies


08 April 2010

Real? Or viral ad? Dunno, cool anyway.


Is this guy drunk? Retarded? Both???

From the fine state that gave us McKinney (remember her?)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9R-cQ_A_6w

I am FAIRLY sure since he is (D) he is also one of those fine folks who apparently is smarter than me and decided what I wanted to do with my money more than I do.

Wife quote: "Because the TURTLE it is riding on may get tired from all the people on its back! And the planes!"

06 April 2010


There are no jobs because these 5 people work everywhere...


(Joke by Consumerist)

03 April 2010